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Sleeping Solutions

Good sleep is important for a good recovery, however sleeping can also be a source of risk to the posture prescribed by your surgeon. At night in our unconscious sleep state, it is normal for us to turn to onto our side or our back. Being a habit it will remain a tendency and needs to be mitigated by some external system to provide the guidance during the night.

The face cradle supplies this guidance and has the body and face snug in position, such that the you would wake up first before turning over. Once awake, you would know keep the correct position.

The Face Cradle has supports for the chest and head and fits all bed types. So you can sleep in your own bed. The design allows for easy breathing and a neutral neck position. For those with neck or shoulder conditions (like arthritis or shoulder dislocations) this is an advantage. The multi-positional adjustments can also accommodate their needs so a good nights sleep is possible.